In some versions of the myth, Hades is said to be particularly pleased every time a dead soul arrived in his realm. Ancient Greek God Dionysus: Meaning and Symbols.A Jo urney to the Ancient Greek Underworld.From there, Charon – the ferryman – ferried them across the River Acheron (“the River of Woe”). The souls of the dead were first ushered into the Hades by Hermes, the messenger of the gods. The god Hades was therefore sometimes seen as the “God of death” or the “Collector of Souls”. Olympus and Poseidon’s vast oceans pales in comparison to the wealth in Hades.Īlso known as Hades, the Underworld was place where the souls of the dead went. The ancient Greeks also believed that the combined wealth of both Mt. As king of the Underworld, Hades was in charge of all the riches and precious minerals that laid in the earth. The ancient Greeks believed that Hades’ realm – the Underworld – was a sunless, gloomy place found beneath the earth. The mad Titan Cronos disgorging Hades and his four other siblings – Hestia, Hera, Demeter and Poseidon What does the Realm of Hades (the Underworld) look like? Zeus ended up with the sky, thus becoming the king of Mt. Poseidon received the oceans and all the realms in the sea. Hades ended up with the realm of the Underworld. According to some accounts, the brothers did this by drawing lots. In the end, the Olympians defeated the titans and cast them to the pitch black depths of Tarturus, where the likes of Cronus and his fellow deranged titans were to spend eternity locked up.Īfterward, Hades and his two younger brothers – Poseidon and Zeus – shared the spoils of the war, i.e. The Olympians, under the leadership of Zeus, went on to fight ferociously against Cronus and the Titans for eons of years.

No sooner had Cronus ingested the package than did he begin to vomit up Hades and his siblings. In place of the baby Zeus, she tricked Cronus into gulping up a rock that was presented to look like a baby.